Houston church founder accusedBrian Houston, the semi-famous founder of Hillsong Church, has been caught up in a legal battle regarding his father’s criminal actions over the years. In mid-August, he was finally freed up from the battle when he was found not guilty in an Australian court.

So, what was his alleged crime? According to court records, Houston was accused of concealing his father’s sex crimes.

This very serious and attention-grabbing case involves church sexual abuse and the concealment of it. The 69-year-old church pastor was charged with these crimes over two years ago. As a result of his arrest, he resigned from his church roles.

Court records reveal that Houston initially attempted to say that he didn’t report the abuse to police back in the 1970s despite learning about it because the victim didn’t want the abuse to go public. Despite these claims, Brett Sengstock testified in court under oath that he never asked Houston not to report the crimes.

Houston became aware of the abuse when his father confessed to him in 1999. Frank Houston died in 2004 without ever facing criminal justice. Brain Houston allegedly shared the details of the crimes with the church but not law enforcement. This type of behavior has been dubbed as a clear “cover up” by outside media sources.

Sengstock is the victim of sexual abuse, and he has willingly chosen to come forward and identify himself to the media. He has spoken out publicly against the recent court ruling. He told news journalists, “Blaming the victim is as repulsive as the assaults themselves.” Sadly, this type of re-victimization by the system is all too common, and Sengstock feels like he has received a life sentence.

This is heartbreaking, as was Houston’s pleas to both the court and Sengstock himself. Houston expressed his sadness towards Sengstock and any other victims that suffered at the hands of his father. At the same time, he reaffirmed that he shouldn’t have to pay for his father’s crimes.

Can You Get Arrested for Hiding a Crime in Nevada?

Are you wondering whether Houston should face justice for concealing his father’s criminal acts? It might surprise you to learn that there are several laws in Nevada that could come into play if someone knows about a crime and doesn’t act on the information. Here are just a few of the different types of crimes that cover this type of behavior:

If you get charged with any of these crimes in Nevada, then it might make the most sense to talk to a lawyer. A good attorney will give you more information about your charges, the potential penalties you could face, and the possible defense strategies you could use. Even better, the right lawyer will represent you in court and help you achieve the best possible legal outcome in your situation.

If you’re ready to get started, then leave your contact details on our website to schedule a meeting with our top criminal defense attorneys.