Nevada Laws on Forfeiture in Child Pornography Cases

Delinquent minorNevada law provides strong protection to children. Nevada’s penal code dealing with crimes and punishments is found in Title 15 of the state code. Within title 15, Chapter 200 deals with crimes against persons. This chapter contains many different provisions criminalizing conduct that could harm children, including laws against sexual abuse, laws against kidnapping, and laws against child abuse.

Within Chapter 200, there is an entire subcategory that aims to criminalize virtually all different types of behavior that are connected with the production, distribution, possession, sale, dissemination, funding, or control of child pornography. Anyone who is found to have any involvement with any type of child pornography, including any images, films, or other media that portrays a child in a sexual way could be charged with a Category A felony.

A defendant charged with a Category A felony for child pornography offenses faces harsh penalties under Nevada law, including the possibility of being sentenced to life in prison with eligibility for parole beginning after either five years or 10 years depending upon the age of the child involved in the pornographic material. In addition to the possibility of jail time and a large fine, Nevada Revised Statute section 200.760 also provides for forfeiture.

LV Criminal Defense can provide you with information about the rules related to child pornography, including the possible penalties that you could face if you are convicted. Our legal team can provide you with representation as you fight charges and we can help you to try to get the best outcomes possible while navigating the criminal justice system after being accused of a serious offense. It’s important to give us a call to talk with a Las Vegas defense attorney as soon as possible when you’ve been accused of a child pornography offense so we can get right to work on the legal strategy that is right for you.

Nevada Revised Statute Section 200.760: Forfeiture in Child Pornography Cases

Nevada Revised Statute section 200.760 stipulates that any defendant who is convicted of violating N.R.S. 200.366, 200.710, 201.330, or 200.710 through 200.730, will be required to forfeit any and all assets derived from his or her violation. A proceeding of forfeiture can be brought in accordance with Nevada law to cause the defendant to be made to forfeit assets connected with child pornography offenses.

The child pornography and other child sex offenses that a defendant could be convicted of that could result in forfeiture proceedings being initiated include sexual assault of a child; using a minor in producing pornography; using a minor as a subject of sexual portrayal in a performance; promoting the sexual performance of a minor; preparing materials depicting pornography involving a minor; advertising or distributing materials depicting pornography involving a minor; using the Internet to control a visual presentation that depicts sexual conduct of a person under the age of 16; or possession of a visual presentation depicting conduct of a person under the age of 16.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.


Essentially, forfeiture can thus be initiated if you have any involvement with making child pornography, promoting it, funding it, advertising it, soliciting it, distributing it, or taking any other actions in connection with child pornography.

Contact a Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney

A Vegas criminal defense attorney at LV Criminal Defense can provide you with help making smart choices in responding to allegations that you engaged in conduct related to child pornography. We can help you to fight the charges in court or to negotiate a favorable plea agreement to try to lessen the severity of the penalties that could result upon conviction. You should give us a call today to find out more about the ways in which our legal team can help you.