Nev. Rev. Stat. § 211.040. Transfer of prisoners

can a felon own a weapon in Las VegasNevada Revised Statutes § 211.040 governs the transfer of prisoners in a Nevada institution.  Nev. Rev. Stat. § 211.040 provides that Nev. Rev. Stat. chapter 209 shall govern the payment of expenses and the method of transporting a prisoner from a county jail to a Department institution or facility.  When such a transfer occurs, the sheriff is to provide the Director of the Department of Corrections a written report as to the medical, psychiatric, behavioral or criminal aspects of the prisoner’s history.  Such a report may be based upon observations of the prisoner made while the prisoner is confined in the county jail, and the report must note any medication or medical treatment administered to the prisoner in the jail, including type, dosage, and frequency of administration.

Process of Transfer

Except as provided in subsection 1, the sheriff, either personally or by a sheriff’s deputy, or by one of more of the sheriff’s jailers, shall transfer all prisoners within the sheriff’s county to whatever place of imprisonment the court may require, as early after the date of sentencing as is practicable.  For that purpose, the board of county commissioners shall pay all costs, charges, and expenses of the prisoner or prisoners, and the officer or officers having charge of such prisoners, as are necessary.  To be added to these costs, charged, and expenses is mileage for each officer, one way only, at the rate of 20 cents per mile.

The provisions of subsection 2 also apply in cases where prisoners are taken from county jails to be tried in any courts in other counties.

The above is a summation of Nev. Rev. Stat. § 211.040.  The exact statutory language is as follows:

1.  Payment of expenses and the method of transporting a prisoner from a county jail to an institution or facility of the Department of Corrections must be as provided in chapter 209 of NRS. When a prisoner is transferred from the county jail to such an institution or facility, the sheriff shall provide the Director of the Department of Corrections with a written report pertaining to the medical, psychiatric, behavioral or criminal aspects of the prisoner’s history. This report may be based upon observations of the prisoner while confined in the county jail and must note in particular any medication or medical treatment administered in the jail, including the type, dosage and frequency of administration.

2.  Except as provided in subsection 1, the sheriff, personally or by his or her deputy, or by one or more of his or her jailers, shall transfer all prisoners within his or her county to whatever place of imprisonment the sentence of the court may require, at as early a date after the sentence as practicable. For that purpose, the board of county commissioners shall pay all necessary costs, charges and expenses of the prisoner or prisoners, and of the officer or officers having charge thereof, to which must be added mileage for each officer, at the rate of 20 cents per mile, one way only.

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3.  The provisions of subsection 2 apply in cases where prisoners are taken from county jails to be tried in any courts in other counties.


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